Submissões Recentes

Constituindo uma pesquisa autoetnográfica a partir de minha trajetória de comunicadora indígena Mayoruna
(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2023-06-15) Santos,Mariany Martins; Figueredo,Guilherme Gitahy de;;; Figueredo,Guilherme Gitahy de;; Conçalves,Luiz Davi Vieira;; Bettiol,Célia Aparecida;
Coining the concept of living and communicating, the work discusses the experiences of an indigenous communicator in training, the use of indigenous communicative practice to inform the Mayoruna people, especially given the arrival of technology and its appropriation by communicators and residents. Each with its own particularities. This approach refers to the work author's own actions, which are based on autoethnography and are part of the context in which she is inserted, thus offering the possibility of analyzing and reflecting on her practice through communication. To carry out these actions, an approximation was made between the coexistence of indigenous communicators and the practice of this work, in order to better deal with the training process, driven by the everyday reality of the social context in which the experience and communication of indigenous people takes place in the Medium Solimões. Access to communication is seen as part of integration in social struggles, inspired by content analysis in light of the issues raised throughout the work. Communication stands out as a support tool validated in practice. To build your own narrative, we emphasize what changed with this personal initiative, as well as looking at reflection on the experience of the historical process of traditional communication, seen as a foundation for understanding the changes and adaptations of the place it has assumed today, openly, their struggles, strengthening and visibility in defense of their concerns and desires in the experience of the indigenous people.
Cimat,DA'UK e Wakaborun: lutas,desafios e estratégias socioambientais de mobilização, de resistência e fortalecimento da identidade das organizações do povo Munduruku do alto Tapajós/PA
(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2023-07-15) Souza,João Messias da Silva; Rapozo,Pedro Henrique Coelho;;; Rapozo,Pedro Henrique Coelho;
Xipan omubarak ap warerop wuyjugu Munduuruku do alto Tapajós pe jewaguycuap i ibuxiap bekitkit yu, aôyu i soat wuyjugu yu. Tobat ap ibuap jewaguy aypapyu ûm ûm aguydan ap itaben xipan jewekuk ap awaydip pe, wuybajan at Biboy buxin soat ep ma wuykuk at yu be. Munduruku yu kake, soat ep ma ip kake awaydip pe i kake soat ma tobatbag kake ap. Imubapok etaybinap iju cucum Munduruku yu be kake pen paxi ip cucum iboce, op poxin imubapok ap,kake jekapip ap, itaben ap i ika ip. Ibu buxin, ibup xipan i wuyjo kake away ip yu dak i imujeap wuyjo kake puye ebapug kake jewaguy cup wuyju Munduruku alto Tapajós Pará be; Awerop acat Conselho Indígena Munduruku do alto Tapajós (CIMAT), a Associação DA’UK i a Associação de Mulheres Munduruku WAKOBORUN iburun wuyjo jekay xipat ûm ipi be iat puxig ikokkok ap jeypibe yobok ap puxin. Ijoap awero ap wuyjo Munduruku yu alto Tapajós be ibocewi ip imuwen ap ocebabuk, imem o’e cucum jetaybit at tak awerup o’i’taybit ip aweru ap tok ibupuk puk ip jebabi, gasu buk ip jewemutay bitbit wara at jat iju jewaguyjo ap i ibuap i’e bun ap i ibuyxiap jeipi kuk ap, tobuxin etaybiat pe ogubararak iat yu, iboru ogubararak:Bicalho (2010), Secchi (2007), CIMI (2014), Ossami (1993) e Heck (2014) ijop yu. Imubabug Munduruku ijop yu oguawero iat yu, imem pit imuwen at togwi wuyaguyba ûm paore. Imem puye, ijoap ijop yu oguawero Mundurku alto Tapajós pe at’jat, Ricoeur (1989; 1995) ip osubuywat imubapuk ap. Ijop togwi ojukuda bibliográfica e documental be wi etay bit epabug oguawero wuyjo Munduruku yu be, ogu xipan ip jewemuaweroro ap tak i jewguyjojo ap tai p ogudip, i warat tat ogubararp iap tag tak ga’ô buyxiat agu dag i imem pit Kaoma ga’ô buyxiat tak wibit i jekabik ap ipibe wuyjo Munduruku alto Tapajós Pará be. Ajebuyxi yu ijo ibu ap oguge, imem puye 2016 a 2019 ixe yu eyju oguy jexe ip, imugen kapik ap soat tak wi imuawerop wuyjo Munduruku yu eju. Imem itabun tag, soat ep ma kake tobanbam pima bit,imem awap ma oje wetay bit, imem poxig imuwen ap, pug ep jewa’ijojo ap i imuwen ap Munduruku yu be kawap ep etaybit, Ibu, imubapuk ap ajojo iap ipibe dag i koguybi dag pug imuawero jat, xipan tobat ap, ijop gu top wi, ibuyxiap, xipat ûm at soat ixe yu okak, ijoptog wi oceguge etaybiap etabeg ap, tobat ap i kake agu.
Estudo da produção cultural de espetáculos de dança em Manaus:desafios X avanços
(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-12-12) Viana,Fernanda Karine Vaz; Neto,João Fernandes; Neto,João Fernandes; Costa,Raíssa Caroline Brito;; Martins,Claúdia Araújo de Menezes Gonçalves;
This study addresses an investigative work on the production of a dance performance in the city of Manaus, focusing on understanding the resources needed for a production, as well as the challenges encountered in completing a project. It began with experiences lived and observed by graduate Fernanda Viana, and continued with the survey of existing knowledge on the subject through the theoretical framework that directly assisted in the evolution of this idea. For better clarification of the researcher, a theoretical data survey was conducted with interviews on the subject with volunteers who were interviewed following the requirements imposed in the methodology. It is believed that the data collected at the end of this will help future professionals by informing about the demands necessary in the creation and production of dance shows.
Estudando os ciclos biogeoquímicos uma proposta de sequência didática para o ensino de biologia
(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2025-01-28) Rodrigues, Marta Silva; Castro, Naimy Farias de;;; Castro, Naimy Farias de;; Nascimento, Virgílio Bandeira do;; Silva, Adailton Moreira da;
The central objective of this work was to analyze the contribution of the didactic sequence (DS) as a facilitating and potential tool for the teaching and learning process, specifically the contents of the Deepening Curricular Units (UCA), with a focus on the portfolio, in the area of Science. Nature and its Technologies (CNT), which deals with the training itinerary of Environment, Sustainability and Bioeconomy. For the theoretical foundation of this work, data collection was used through bibliographical research, seeking to verify and analyze important resources for the systematic literature review methodology, which addressed the challenges of the New Secondary Education and the training itineraries; The Trails and In-depth Curricular Units of the state of Amazonas; The importance of biogeochemical cycles for preserving the environment and Didactic sequences as a strategy for teaching biology. Field research took place through the application of a didactic sequence consisting of six stages: Introductory class with a conceptual approach to the content using the Word Cloud technique; Dialogued theoretical class; Bibliographical research on the chemical elements of oxygen and nitrogen and discussion in the classroom; Textual production 1 on the schemes of the biogeochemical cycles of oxygen and nitrogen; Practical class with the construction of a closed terrarium as a demonstrative representation of biogeochemical cycles within an ecosystem and Textual production 2 of biogeochemical cycle schemes. The research location was the Escola Estadual Cívico Militar Dom Gino Malvestio, in the Municipality of Parintins/AM, implemented in the 2nd year high school class made up of 35 students. Through the analysis of the results obtained, we can conclude that the well-structured and organized SD can be an excellent teaching tool used by teachers as a way of implementing it in a progressive and coherent way to facilitate understanding and contextualization of the themes covered in the UCA.
Professoras negras no ensino superior no Amazonas: um olhar intersecional
(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2023-07-17) Nascimento,Júlia do; Silva,Gimima Beatriz Melo da;; Silva,Gimima Beatriz Melo da;; Sousa,Marilia de Jesus da Silva e;; Costa,Kenia Goncalves
This dissertation is the result of research carried out in two public institutions of higher education, the State University of Amazonas (UEA) and the Federal University of Amazonas (UFAM), by the Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Human Sciences (PPGICH/ UEA), for the Master's degree, which analyzed the challenges of black female university professors through an intersectional perspective. For that, the methodology applied was the "snowball sampling" method, where through questions asked to students of different graduations of UEA and UFAM in their social networks, it was discovered whether there was the presence of black women as teachers in their courses or not. The interviewed participants were self-declared black women aged between 33 and 55 who worked as professors at UEA or UFAM in the period between September and December 2022. The interviews were carried out in person and online according to the availability of the interlocutors, where their speeches were recorded from a semi-structured script to answer the main question: What are the challenges of a black woman university professor? Thus, the established objectives of identifying the main challenges of professional practice and how these teachers deal with these challenges were achieved. I reiterate my satisfaction in completing this research, pointing out that the interlocutors who took part in this research are multiple and respond to the challenges that are imposed by the profession with unique and complex views that lead to reflection on the challenges that society demands and how these challenges can be faced.