Submissões Recentes

A caminho da educação: desafios e engajamento das estudantes mulheres do Centro Vocacional Tecnológico – Tecnologias Sociais para Várzea Amazônica
(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2022) Lima, Grace Kelly Pereira de.; Sousa, Marília de Jesus da Silva.;; Sousa, Marília de Jesus da Silva.;; Nascimento, Ana Claudeíse Silva.;; Schweickardt, Katia Helena Serafina Cruz.;
The present dissertation analyzed the causes of the low participation of female students in the context of the Technological Vocational Center – Social Technologies for the Amazon River (CVT/TSVA) of the Mamirauá Institute. The aforementioned Center was created in 2013, having a first class of students in 2014, with a total of four classes formed, the last one in 2021. The CVT aims to promote the training of leaders to act as managers in community organizations in the region of Middle Solimões. The purpose of this training consists of continuing education in conjunction with the practical experiences of students. The educational trajectory of three female students from the CVT was analyzed, highlighting the experiences, obstacles, successes and failures and the relationship of engagement and action with the organizations to which they belong, evidencing their performance after accessing the educational model proposed by the CVT. The theoretical dialogue was based on the approaches of Lave (2015), Freire (2020), who discuss the teaching-learning processes; Schmink (1997), Farah (2020) and Alencar & Sousa (2014), who analyze gender relations in the rural context; Peralta &Lima (2012), who weave an approach of people living in UCs Mamirauá and Amanã; and Bourdieu (1998), who analyzes the hierarchical educational structures, which supported the analyzes during the research. The proposed methodology followed a qualitative approach, using oral history, documental research and semi-structured interviews as data collection instruments. Dialogues were held with the “Research Women” online and in a WhatsApp group. Documentary research was carried out in the CVT archives, with nomination letters and minutes prepared by the community leaders of the organizational groups. The research results identified that some stages of the selection process for students to enter the CVT end up potentiating the inequality of access to training for women. In view of this indication, reflections and proposals for integrative strategies within the scope of gender equality were carried out, and/or actions that consider the approach as a possible path of inclusion and gender equity within an alternative educational structure of formation and learning for rural populations in the Amazon.
A pessoa com deficiência a partir da perspectiva da imprensa e de documentos oficiais na cidade dd Manaus entre 1890-1920
(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2024-04-15) Souza, Júlia Ismar Silva de; Rocha, Rafael Ale;;; Rocha, Rafael Ale;
The present research has as its theme the representation of people with disabilities in periodicals and official documents in circulation in the city of Manaus - AM in the period from 1890 to 1920. As a general objective, the research began to analyze, based on periodicals and official documents, such as society perceived and identified people with disabilities, as well as the ways in which they were represented in Manaus (AM), in the period from 1890 to 1920. As specific objectives, the research aims to: identify the terms used to refer to people with disabilities in periodicals and official documents from 1890 to 1920;identify the characteristics attributed and the methods used to determine who had some type of disability during this period; analyze how people with disabilities were represented in periodicals and official documents from 1890-1920; and analyze how sociocultural factors resulting from economic, cultural and political contexts determined the types of treatments reserved for people with disabilities in this period. The research is characterized as descriptive and explanatory and to achieve the proposed objectives, bibliographic and documentary research was used as methodological procedures, based on consultation of periodicals and official documents in the Digital Hemeroteca of the Digital Library of the National Library Foundation and the Center for Research Libraries - Global Resources Network. As results, the research shows that people with disabilities appear in official journals and documents in contexts linked to public health and safety, to charitable institutions such as nursing homes and hospitals such as Santa Casa de Misericórdia and Hospício de Alienados. With exceptions, such individuals may appear in contexts where they are provided with space and a place to speak, as well as the use of technologies that enable their communication.
O fazer pavulagem: muito mais que um pocast,uma tecedura de histórias de encantado[s]a partiuma perspectiva autoetnográfica
(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2024-08-29) Serrao,Maickson dos Santos; Figueiredo,Guilherme Gitahy de;;; Figueiredo,Guilherme Gitahy de;; Cassio Cunha Soares;; Gonçalves,Luiz Davi Vieira;
What began with the simple intention of rescuing and amplifying the stories of the enchanted beings of the Amazon rainforest has taken on new proportions.A young indigenous man who grew up listening to stories, but upon leaving the territory realizes that these stories are dying, then creates a podcast called Pavulagem, presenting narratives from the real protagonists: the indigenous and riverside storytellers of the Amazon. The result of this work is that young people can reach spaces and places that are difficult to occupy, given their origins. In this study, the stories of the enchanted are interwoven with the story of the enchanted. A grass like all the others, but one that has always seen itself as a flowering pau d'arco. Enchanted here in the sense of having been carried away or seduced by the stories of the forest's Enchanted Ones. Describing Pavulagem's work goes beyond the technology of the podcast and the methods of communication; it presents the ancestral technology of storytelling, showing the backstage that can only be "seen" through the eyes of those who have lived each moment of intimacy recounted in the words and other elements that make up the experience of storytelling with the river dwellers and indigenous people. It's the process of seeing yourself as a storyteller.
Sistema de monitoramento de sinais com ênfase na análise da ausculta pulmonar
(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2025-01-13) Gomes, Luana Ribeiro; José Ruben Sicchar Vilchez;;; Ayres Júnior, Florindo Antônio; Vermehren Valenzuela, Victor Enrique; Cordovil Junior, Luiz Albedrto Queiroz
Pulmonary auscultation is an ancient technique that involves analyzing the sounds emitted by the lungs during respiration, playing a fundamental role in clinical evaluation and the diagnosis of respiratory conditions. Despite its simplicity and effectiveness, conventional auscultation practice can be limited by the lack of tools that enable continuous monitoring, especially in patients with chronic respiratory diseases. Therefore, regular monitoring of these signals becomes crucial for early diagnosis and effective management of clinical conditions, contributing to an improved quality of life for patients. This work presents the development of an integrated hardware and software system that incorporates biomedical instrumentation principles with automation, providing a technological solution for the supervision of patients with potential respiratory disorders. The developed prototype uses sensors to capture pulmonary signals, processes and filters the data, and transmits it to an application, facilitating the interaction between patients and healthcare professionals. Additionally, the system allows for the creation of patient histories and remote monitoring, making it a promising tool for use in both clinical and home environments.
Proposta de indicação de procedência para o segmento de duas rodas do Polo Industrial de Manaus – PIM.
(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2025-03-20) Cavalcanti, Wagner Bernardo; Oliveira, Raimundo Correa de;;; Kilieng, Antônio Cláudio; Souza, Marcelo Pereira de; Amarante Segundo, Gesil Sampaio
Geographical indications are the oldest form of protection among those listed by the Industrial Property Law, with its first records coming from the 4th century BC. Protection through a geographical indication aims to recognize a particular region that has become known as the center of extraction, production or manufacture of a particular product or provision of a service and therefore has become an important tool for the endogenous development movement. arising from the new paradigms of Regional Science. The search for strengthening regional internal forces, despite being relatively new for Regional Sciences, in the context of the Western Amazon has always been a challenge for the State, culminating in public policies such as the Manaus Free Trade Zone. That said, the present work aims to elaborate a proposal for an indication of origin for the two-wheel segment of the industrial pole of Manaus. For the purposes of methodological classification, regarding the nature it is an applied research, regarding the descriptive and exploratory objectives and regarding the bibliographic and documentary procedures. As a result, the correlation of the existing characteristics between the two-wheel segment and the requirements determined by IN INPI Nº 95/2018 was identified, generating two products from the information obtained: 1) conclusive technical report sent to the Superintendence of the Free Trade Zone of Manaus; 2) article for submission to a scientific journal.