Revista Contra Corrente: Estudos Literários

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A Revista eletrônica semestral Contra Corrente (ISSN 2525-4529) é um periódico vinculado à Editora Universitária da Universidade do Estado do Amazonas e ao Programa de Pós Graduação Interdisciplinar em Ciências Humanas (PPICH- UEA). Seu escopo detém-se na difusão e a propagação do conhecimento produzido no cenário local, nacional e internacional por pesquisadores de que se dedicam às áreas de Ciências humanas e afins, sejam eles doutores, mestres ou alunos de Pós-graduação


Resultados da Pesquisa

Agora exibindo 1 - 10 de 65
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    O cotidiano do subúrbio carioca na obra o galo de ouro de Rachel de Queiroz
    (Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-01-22) Santos, Regma Maria dos; Mesquita, Mírian Costa
    In this article we will cover the work O Galo de Ouro written by Rachel de Queiroz in the first half of the twentieth century focusing on the daily expressed in religious rituals like Candomblé, the design of the "malandro" carioca, represented by one of the novel's characters, and the “game the animal”, which was an important source of income for people humble suburban Rio. We start from the concept of everyday life to express the possibility of the use of literature as a source for the construction of historical knowledge.
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    A poesia portuguesa do século XIX: de Garrett a Cesário Verde
    (Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-01-21) Wankler, Cátia Monteiro
    This article seeks to build a picture of nineteenth century poetry in Portugal, analyzing authors who stood out at that time, such as Garrett, Herculano, Castilho, Soares de Passos and João de Deus . Also it discusses issues related to Ultra-Romanticism, Romanticism and Realism in the formation of the Lusitanian poetry.
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    Génios, parcas e asteroides: os três desejos de Octávio C.
    (Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-01-21) Freitas, Marinela Freitas
    In this article we are dealing with The Three Desires of Octávio C., 2008, by Portuguese author Pedro Eiras. From the well-known story about the genie of the lamp that grants three wishes to the one who rubs the artifact, we analyze the work observing the meanings of "genie, sparrows and asteroids" and revealing a protagonist to want to change the world, trying to prevent its fall although this will speed up your entire process. In revisiting the idea of a lamp genie capable of satisfying all the wishes of his master, the author chooses to present a modern Aladdin and cultivates the crisis by creating problems without solution.
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    Um “quase-santo” entre infiéis uma leitura do diário de Samuel Fritz e o surto messiânico na Amazônia colonial
    (Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-01-21) Holanda, Yomarley Lopes
    The chronicles of travel appear as invaluable sources for the History of the Colonial Amazon. The Diary of Father Samuel Fritz is inserted within the discussion of the (not always visible) frontier between History and Literature. Based on this observation, we think of the insipidity of the number of works about the history of the Amazon, especially those centered on the formation of a social thought about the region. The document in focus is one of the 80 most important sources on the Colonial Amazon, and, using Paul Ricouer's (2007) proposal, we immerse ourselves in the "deep" reading of this important historical document, aiming to unveil the process of construction of the "holy" image of the Jesuit along with the indigenous peoples.
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    O desenvolvimento da cognição do professor: um panorama dos estudos dos construtos
    (Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-01-21) Silva, Maristela
    Much has been discussed about the teacher's cognition, and studies on the subject have gradually shown that this is an increasingly complex and complex term. From the idea that the teacher's cognition relates to his unobservable mental processes, this article explores a brief bibliographical review of the major studies that have changed and shaped the way to investigate the cognition of the language teacher. This study also develops from a qualitative research approach, considering the training and qualification of language teachers in Brazil in the areas of Education and Applied Linguistics. At the same time, this article seeks to explore some constructs that are prominent in academic research, both in the Brazilian context and in the international context. Keywords: Teacher Cognition; Pedagogical practice; Linguistics.
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    O outro pé da sereia: um entrelaçamento entre a história da colonização de Moçambique e o universo ficcional de Mia Couto
    (Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-01-21) Molina, Maria de Fátima Castro de Oliveira
    Mia Couto's relationship with the history of the colonization of Africa is particularized in the work The Other Foot of the Mermaid (2006) through the recreation of scenarios and the reconstruction of the voices that make up the narrative. Due to the bias of this dialogue, the novel stands out because of the symbolic burden it brings in the fictional (re) construction of historical moments of Portuguese colonization in Mozambique. Starting from this premise, we propose to evidence a recount of the story through the staging of the characters in different times and spaces of the narrative, with the purpose of identifying thematic representations that involve the dialogue of history with the Literature in the novel. These themes will be analyzed from the standpoint of scholars of Mia Couto's literary production and authors of the theoretical section of post-colonialism.
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    O salto do tigre: Galvez, imperador do acre, de Márcio Souza e a metaficção historiográfica
    (Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-01-21) Santos, Francisco Ewerton Almeida dos
    The critical fortune of the novel Galvez emperor of Acre, published in 1976 by the Amazonian Márcio Sousa, more than once inserted it in the category of "historiographic metafiction" proposed by Linda Hutcheon. This term proposes the characterization of a fiction that appropriates the historical text semiotically, questioning the objectivity and the neutrality of the historiographic discourse and seeking to re-present the past (and not to represent it) through parody, ironic fictionalization and, for times, satirical of personalities and historical events. The present work proposes to demonstrate how this happens in the Galvão emperor of Acre, for this purpose, a comparative analysis will be made between the literary text and the historical work Acre by Leandro Tocantins, observing the established parody relationship between the texts and the ironic inversions arising from it.
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    A escrita do padre Fernão Cardim e suas marcas medievais
    (Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-01-21) Almeida, Carlos Henrique Lopes de
    The present work has as its purpose the study of the work of the people and land of Brazil of Father Fernão Cardim, in which an analysis will be traced that traces the influences of the medieval imaginary and ideals, considering the presence of some imagistic reflections of the inheritance and the traces of the tradition of the Middle Ages that are announced in the construction of Cardin's chronicle. The description of the landscape of the discovered lands, the meeting between the Old World referents and the Novomundist space, the transliteration of schemes responsible for the approximation and incorporation of the new discoveries are thematic elements present in the Cardinal's chronistic production, as well as his writings assume a position fundamental for the organization of the religious order of the Jesuits. A writing in which Father Fernão Cardim transits within descriptive narratives, sometimes characterizing realistically the encounter with nature and the natives, sometimes exercising an exquisite literary touch, influenced by the authorities and schemes so dear to the medieval tradition. In this sense, the research proposes to analyze and search for medievality marks present in the historiographic scenario that can give greater meaning to the text and, along with this dynamics, dialogue with factors related to medieval ideology and the context of present colonization in Portuguese America
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    O muro de Perlin: que gênero é esse? Discurso multimodal e identidades na Escola Bilíngue - Libras e Português Escrito (EBT)
    (Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-01-21) Ferraz, Janaína de Aquino; Brasil, Eduardo
    The present article aims to discuss whether the paintings in the wall of the Bilingual School - Libras and Portuguese written (EBT), of Taguatinga, in the Federal District, constitute a new branch of discursive genre or not. Based on Marcuschi (2003) and Bakhtin (1997), we used Perlin's theoretical and analytical essentials, whose mapping of deaf identities provides a powerful discursive force to the message of empowerment of deaf community, stamped on the school wall. The Critical Discourse Analysis (ADC) and the Multimodality Theory support the argument that, in this case, the wall constitutes a multimodal discursive genre, since visual identity is a significant cultural landmark of the deaf individual. Keywords: Sign language; Social communication; Society.
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    O “gênero feminino” segundo dois discursos da Medeia, de Eurípedes
    (Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-01-21) Cunha Neto, Osvaldo
    In the first of the two selected discourses of the Euripides’s play, situated between verses 213 and 266, is possible observe the protagonist of play, under attack of great fury (263-266), listing a series of impositions and injustices suffered by women (232-241). In this context reported by Medea the women can only serve to men, either in bed, or in the affairs of everyday life. Nevertheless, the "revolutionary" heroine, emphasizes the strength and resilience of women (230-231) and foreshadows that she has a desire of take justice into her own hands, and take revenge on the husband who betrayed her (259 - 263). In the next discourse, set between verses 869 and 905, we watch the performance of Medea pretending to have changed his mind and accepting the impositions of Jason. This is the opposite of the previous discourse; Medea accepts not only to share the bed of Jason with his new "Nymph" (888), but also asserts that women are childish (889-890). Medea pretended to be a submissive to masculine and social impositions to get revenge on her husband, we know, in fact, the unfolding of the play, that she has not changed her opinion about the previous discourse. Although the tragedy, while artistic and literary work, doesn’t allow us appropriate the content expressed by the characters of literal or realistic manner, what can be observed in these two discourses of Medea is a supposed picture of the social role that women played Athenian cultural and social context portrayed by Euripides, all these comments are credible and show what probably was imposed on women by society to the Greek Classical Period,