Revista Contra Corrente: Estudos Literários
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A Revista eletrônica semestral Contra Corrente (ISSN 2525-4529) é um periódico vinculado à Editora Universitária da Universidade do Estado do Amazonas e ao Programa de Pós Graduação Interdisciplinar em Ciências Humanas (PPICH- UEA). Seu escopo detém-se na difusão e a propagação do conhecimento produzido no cenário local, nacional e internacional por pesquisadores de que se dedicam às áreas de Ciências humanas e afins, sejam eles doutores, mestres ou alunos de Pós-graduação
Item Abdulai Sila no contexto das literaturas Bissau-Guineenses(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-01-21) Santana, Suely SantosThe struggles for independence and its implementation in many african countries owe much to literary narratives. These narratives has achieved a place, though not satisfactory, but very significant in the international arena . However, with regard to Guinea-Bissau 's literature it is possible to note that there is still a gap . The following text addresses one of the literatures of Guinea-Bissau through one of its representatives, the writer Abdulai Sila, regarded as author of the first novel Guinea Bissau. Thenceforth, this literary genre had been written by authors situated in the era colonial and were not born in that country.Item A "água grande" no amazonas de 1953 e a " acqua alta" em veneza de 1966: duas histórias, várias memórias.(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-01-18) Souza, Leno José BarataThe article has the greater goal, a relational study of the 1953 floods in the state of Amazonas and 1966 in the city of Venice. The incredible scope and effects of these colossal floods will be felt here, especially from the personal memories of some respondents in the Amazon and Venice. This relational study between historical junctures apparently so distant and different, seek to unite them through common cultural interactions between the river and sea marking strongly and influence the lives and you live of their societies in these two regions, particularly when extraordinary floods such as 1953 and 1966, within the limits of this article, they encouraged other stories and reanimate new memories of places. Keywords: Manaus; Veneza; memories; floods.Item O alcance de um grito: uma reflexão acerca da estética e cosmovisão expressionista(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-01-18) Gomes, Alexandre Rodrigues; Rios, OtávioThis article discusses Expressionism as an aesthetic phenomenon, a vision of reality, mapping its manifestations and cultural influence through literature and other arts, as well as the finissecular period in which the expression expressionism came to be used. The work methodology consisted of reading and discussing, recording and producing reviews of the works studied and their respective critical fortunes. Because it was a work of hermeneutics, the research had a qualitative character, through a bibliographical review. Among the results, we note the expressionism expression (s) in Portuguese language and the evidence of Expressionism not only as a cultural vanguard situated in a specific historical and geographical context - which are the Nordic, Germanic and Eastern European societies, during the transition from the nineteenth century to the twentieth century - but also as absolutely timeless aesthetic, whose roots go back to the Middle Ages and the Baroque and whose influence continues until today.Item Amazônia e modernismo: Mário de andrade “fora de si”(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-01-21) Rosito, ValériaBoth Mário de Andrade’s travel journals to the Amazon in 1927, published under the title of An Apprentice Tourist, and part of the photos taken on his travel, most of which by the writer’s himself, bring together complex essayistic elements. Their verbal-imagistic nature shed light onto contemporary discussions on the relations between the local and the global, as well as on those between the literary and the non-literary. These notes explore that double-folded production by the writer at the time avant-gardes and modernists were forging new expressions of the self and of the Brazilian identities in synchronic time measures.Item Um amor de papel: percursos eróticos na poesia de Lee-Li Yang(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-01-21) Machado, Camila de Toledo Piza CostaThis paper aims to analyze the female freedom when dealing with sexual issues in the poetry of Virgílio de Lemos’ heteronomy. Eroticism culminated in masturbation will be emphasized as a way of offering an overview of his poetic. In addition, a very brief relationship to the Portuguese poet Fernando Pessoa will be outlined in order to devote its influence in Virgílio de Lemos’ writing.Item Anquiloglossia, tratamento cirúrgico: relato de caso clínico(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-01-18) Oliveira, Dirceu Virgolino de; Albuquerque, Gustavo Cavalcanti de; Martins, Valber Barbosa; Gonçalves, Fabiano Conrado; Arantes, Pedro HenriqueIntroduction: The brake of the tongue or frenulum, is a median fold mucosa that appears stretched on the floor of the mouth when the tip of the tongue is raised to the palate. When amended, may consist of mucosa, dense fibrous tissue and the upper fibers of the genioglossus muscle and classified as short with anterior insertion, or short with anterior insertion. This change is called ankyloglossia. Objective and account of the case: To describe a case of ankyloglossia a 17-year-old, was referred to the Clinic of Maxillofacial Surgery and the Faculty IAES, diagnosed with ankyloglossia, brake lingual short with anterior insertion. Treated by frenectomia. Conclusion: The surgery frenectomia could return part of the normal language of the patient. Keywords: Brake lingual; ankyloglossia; frenectomiaItem Aparato crítico – tradução de alguns textos de autores fundacionais para os estudos da negritude e afrodiaspóricos: Frantz Fanon, Léon-Gontran Damas e Aimé Césaire.(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-01-21) Valle, Camila doThese are texts which are an essential part of historiography concerning the study of "blackness" or, moreover, of what, archaeologically, in contemporaneity, are approaching a notion that could be called Afro-diasporic. The texts follow a photo of L'etudiant noir, the first newspaper made by black students in Paris in 1935, whose publishers, also poets, coined the term "negritude". They are historical documents, even as they are contemporaries of the "Universal Exhibitions" held in Paris and other European capitals. Exhibitions in which "other" peoples, "others" compared to Europeans, were put on display as "exotic" in a procedure that, in all, can be described as a "human zoo." In 2012, the Quai Branly Museum held an exhibition on "Universal Expositions" in Paris, in which it critically outlined the procedures used. It is also very important to emphasize the anticipation, in Frantz Fanon's letter presented here, of questions that will later become central to Michel Foucault's investigative project, which will result, in particular, in his paradigmatic History of Madness.Item A arte de fazer como patrimônio imaterial(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-01-18) Fischler, ClaudeABSTRACT:In recent decades, the reinvigoration of interest in the past implies discursive investment in memory, the depositary of the desire of retention of historical experience, emptied of meaning in face of the vertiginous obsolescence that characterizes contemporary society. However, since the ‘official memory’, seated in the dilemma between the memory and repression, has a exclusivist character, disjunctive memories, such as popular manifestations, become politically significant, once they are able to present counter-hegemonic forms of identity articulation. In this vein, this paper conceives immateriality as a necessary extension of the concept of heritage as it democratizes the participation of different social strata in culture organization. This paper carries out a study about the intangible heritage, focusing on one of the expressions of immaterial culture peculiar to Médio Piracicaba, Minas Gerais: the art of preparing the guava-smudge, a popular candy in this micro-region, particularly in Barão de Cocais.This candy’s preparation is a kind of social mortar, as it sediments belonging linkages through the intergenerational transmission of culinary knowledge and social events that invigorate the bond between citizens. Keywords:Intangible heritage. Cultural memory. CulinaryItem “O artista e o artesão”: um diálogo entre Mário de Andrade e João Cabral de melo neto(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-01-18) Cardeal, RafaelaThis paper proposes a critical reading of Mario de Andrade’s essay “O artista e o artesão” (“The artist and the craftsman”), departing from the concept of handicraft, present in the abovementioned work. On a parallel stance, it is analyzed the crossovers and dialogues between the opuses of Mario de Andrade and João Cabral de Melo Neto. The compositional and the making tools of poetry by Andrade e Melo Neto, are object of study here in the reading of two specific poems: “Meditação sobre o Tietê” (1945) and O cão sem plumas (1950) – examples that lead us to identify features of similarity and strangeness in both writing endeavors. Keywords: Mário de Andrade; art; handicraft; João Cabral de Melo Neto.Item Ascensão e queda de filemon e báucis: swift subverte Ovídio(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-01-21) Melo, João Victor Leite; Miotti, Charlene MartinsThe satirical poem Baucis and Philemon by the Irish writer Jonathan Swift (1667 – 1745) retrieves the title, plot and main characters’ names of the mythological story originally narrated by the Roman poet Ovid, on the eighth book of his Metamorphosis. The intertextuality between the poems, considered under the perspective of “allusive art” perspective, in other words, an intentional and explicit reference to an ancestor text, will be thoroughly explored in this work, based on our own translation for Swift’s burlesque poem in Portuguese.Item Breves considerações sobre a estruturação rítmica do hexâmetro homérico(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-01-21) Alvarez, Beethoven BarretoThis article will briefly present some theories about the origins of the meter of the Homeric hexameter from the formulatory and oral character of the ancient epic, mainly supported by the ideas of Hellenists and scholars ML West (1996), JM Foley (1990) and G. Nagy (1990) ), to support the observation that there is no ethos proper to each rhythmic or structural pattern of that hexameter nor even the author's intention in the metrical composition of the verse. To do so, in the beginning, will deal especially with the metric structuring of the hexameter (interior and exterior). We will show, supported in secondary bibliography, as in the homeric hexameter hardly there would be some own ethos related to certain metric standards. What is possible to understand from the studies of Parry (1971) and Lord (1960), especially articulated by Foley (1996) and Nagy (1990), when establishing the relations between oral tradition and the meter of the epic verse. In particular, the authors' proposals relate the hexameter meter to a traditional phraseology of earlier times and tend to segment the verse into smaller prosodic units.Item Breves considerações sobre os conceitos de ethos e de persona poética na antiguidade clássica(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-01-21) Pini, MarianaThis essay aims to bring an analysis of what Ancient culture, particularly Aristotle, considered to be ethos and reflect briefly, according to philosophical contributions from both Ancient and Modern thinkers, upon the author’s relationship with his/her discourse. For instance, this relationship may be understood through the concept of poetic persona, also referred to as ego by authors who follow Paul Veyne’s nomenclature. Those concepts are more recent elaborations, but are certainly informed by Ancient writings. In order to pursue our purpose, we articulate some hermeneutic studies. Hence, our focus is to promote a productive reading of what came to be known as ethos, mainly in Aristotelian thought. We will not overlook, however, Latin texts (especially Cicero's), since even though the aforementioned (ethos) word had not been vastly employed by Romans, we believe that it is valuable to verify in which manner those authors understood this fundamental rhetorical concept.Item Os bruxos da literatura: um diálogo entre Machado de Assis e Jorge Luis Borges(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-01-18) Elesbão, Juliane de Sousa; Luz, Eduardo Chaves Ribeiro daTwo fictions that touch each other, two writers with points in common. Thus we find with the Brazilian writer Machado de Assis (1839-1908) and the Argentine writer Jorge Luis Borges (1899-1986), two exponents of literature who universalized and consecrated their literary art. With points coinciding in their narratives and subtle gradual differences of depth, we will stimulate a reflection on the parallel we draw between the "Old Cosmo's Witch" and the "Old Witch", since these represent permanent sources for anyone who, in a way or from another, seek the intelligence applied to literary art. We will focus, in particular, on issues that involve the unfolding of the narrative, the resumption of themes, the configuration of the characters, the ambiguity and the intertextuality present in the literary writing of the writers. For this work, we pinch from the rich and multiple works of Machado and Borges two stories, on which we intend to establish a comparative investigation. They are: "Missa do Galo", published in 1894, and "Ulrica", published in 1975. We thus seek to contribute to some broader literary questions concerning the two writers, whose mastery in dealing with literary language, as well as in exploitation of its mimetic strength, enables readers the prestigious task of coproducing their texts. Keywords:Comparative Literature. Short Story. Intertextuality.Item Choque de culturas na obra “Uma tempestade” de Aimé Césaire(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-01-21) Silva, Francisco Guaracy Andrade daThe article examines the cultural shock through Africanity of the characters Caliban and Ariel characters in the play A Tempest (1969) by Martinique Aimé Césaire as opposed to the dominating beharvior of the character Prospero. The Text is an adaptation of the work The Tempest (1611), by William Shakespeare. We Also analysis of intercultural and antagonistic dialogue between Caliban and Prospero and between Caliban (black slave) and Ariel (mulatto slave), inspired by the text-based English playwright in order to show the reader / spectator the approach to socio-cultural shock, the ethnocentrism, the narrative progress that values the dissatisfaction of the insurbordinate, the black slave and the religious allegories that build the theme that involves the meeting of two cultures through the discourse among characters who demonstrate by the dialogue, the yoke of the European settlement.Item Contando a história de um objeto: o porta- caneta sarcófago(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-01-21) Nascimento, Maria Evany doThe objects we carry say about ourselves and the society that produced and consume it, because it is loaded with meanings that can be read and interpreted. Considering specific areas of knowledge, objects can tell us different things. In this text, however, we intend to read an object in a transdisciplinary perspective. Do not dwell on a specific theory, but deepen the reading of the object by applied theory. (MacGregor, 2013), anthropology (Miller), literature (Lobato, 2014), semiotics (Niemeyer, 2003) and design (Forty, 2007). ). Methodologically, it traces the history of the object, a sarcophagus-shaped pen holder, starting from its choice for this analysis, through approaches on the name, formal and material characteristics, the contextualization and trajectory of the object besides a discussion different value categories. With this, the object is presented under different prisms in its material and immaterial dimensions enabling a reading of society and the individual carrying objects.Item O cotidiano do subúrbio carioca na obra o galo de ouro de Rachel de Queiroz(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-01-22) Santos, Regma Maria dos; Mesquita, Mírian CostaIn this article we will cover the work O Galo de Ouro written by Rachel de Queiroz in the first half of the twentieth century focusing on the daily expressed in religious rituals like Candomblé, the design of the "malandro" carioca, represented by one of the novel's characters, and the “game the animal”, which was an important source of income for people humble suburban Rio. We start from the concept of everyday life to express the possibility of the use of literature as a source for the construction of historical knowledge.Item De Portugal a Moçambique: Glória de Sant’anna e sua poética sem fronteiras(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-01-21) Vaz, Laís Naufel FayerThe meeting between Glória de Sant’Anna (Portuguese citizen) and Mozambique was born poetry that makes up “Amaranto”, a collection of her poems. We intend to briefly trace the path in an attempt to highlight the initial shock between cultures and, later, the encounter between the poet and the new space.Item O desenvolvimento da cognição do professor: um panorama dos estudos dos construtos(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-01-21) Silva, MaristelaMuch has been discussed about the teacher's cognition, and studies on the subject have gradually shown that this is an increasingly complex and complex term. From the idea that the teacher's cognition relates to his unobservable mental processes, this article explores a brief bibliographical review of the major studies that have changed and shaped the way to investigate the cognition of the language teacher. This study also develops from a qualitative research approach, considering the training and qualification of language teachers in Brazil in the areas of Education and Applied Linguistics. At the same time, this article seeks to explore some constructs that are prominent in academic research, both in the Brazilian context and in the international context. Keywords: Teacher Cognition; Pedagogical practice; Linguistics.Item Diferentes olhares para a análise do discurso crítica e sua vertente sociocognitiva(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-01-21) Silveira, Regina Célia Pagliuchi daThis text deals with Critical Discourse Analysis (ADC), based on the multiple perspectives of its aspects, with the objective of situating the sociocognitive aspect and its main contributions to the critical approach, since it is the least known in Brazil. Thus, a quick look at the origins of the ADC will be passed, to substantiate its main characteristics and aspects and, by way of example, a critical analysis of machismo in Brazil, from the intersection of its multiple looks. Keywords: Sociocognitive; Linguistics; Society.Item Ecos da mitologia grega: a ressimbolização semiótica da lenda do boto(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-01-18) Almeida, Socorro Viana de; Paula, Cleidiane Oliveira deThe aim of this work is to look at the Amazonian culture, which is the result of an intense relationship with orchestrated elements from other worlds. This culture, largely because of prejudice or the current limitation of language (in the case of indigenous cultures), is not yet studied effectively. In addition, the Amazonian oral literature is essentially symbolic, its texts surpass its referential senses, not being shown directly in its deepest meanings in a first contact. The unveiling of meanings is done as the images are analyzed and interpreted, thus justifying their symbolic reading.