Revista Contra Corrente: Estudos Literários

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A Revista eletrônica semestral Contra Corrente (ISSN 2525-4529) é um periódico vinculado à Editora Universitária da Universidade do Estado do Amazonas e ao Programa de Pós Graduação Interdisciplinar em Ciências Humanas (PPICH- UEA). Seu escopo detém-se na difusão e a propagação do conhecimento produzido no cenário local, nacional e internacional por pesquisadores de que se dedicam às áreas de Ciências humanas e afins, sejam eles doutores, mestres ou alunos de Pós-graduação


Resultados da Pesquisa

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  • Item
    Breves considerações sobre os conceitos de ethos e de persona poética na antiguidade clássica
    (Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-01-21) Pini, Mariana
    This essay aims to bring an analysis of what Ancient culture, particularly Aristotle, considered to be ethos and reflect briefly, according to philosophical contributions from both Ancient and Modern thinkers, upon the author’s relationship with his/her discourse. For instance, this relationship may be understood through the concept of poetic persona, also referred to as ego by authors who follow Paul Veyne’s nomenclature. Those concepts are more recent elaborations, but are certainly informed by Ancient writings. In order to pursue our purpose, we articulate some hermeneutic studies. Hence, our focus is to promote a productive reading of what came to be known as ethos, mainly in Aristotelian thought. We will not overlook, however, Latin texts (especially Cicero's), since even though the aforementioned (ethos) word had not been vastly employed by Romans, we believe that it is valuable to verify in which manner those authors understood this fundamental rhetorical concept.
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    Espectros passados e presentes: a propósito de o ano da morte de Ricardo Reis, de José Saramago
    (Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-01-21) Barbosa, Maria Carolina de Oliveira
    The following paperwork has as its goal to analyze how the inter-textual process is an essential mechanism to represent the past of Portugal in O ano da morte de Ricardo Reis (1984), by José Saramago. We propose an analysis of city space, historical references and character Fernando Pessoa, because these are essential marks of the historical “ghosts” recapturing in the romance.
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    Choque de culturas na obra “Uma tempestade” de Aimé Césaire
    (Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-01-21) Silva, Francisco Guaracy Andrade da
    The article examines the cultural shock through Africanity of the characters Caliban and Ariel characters in the play A Tempest (1969) by Martinique Aimé Césaire as opposed to the dominating beharvior of the character Prospero. The Text is an adaptation of the work The Tempest (1611), by William Shakespeare. We Also analysis of intercultural and antagonistic dialogue between Caliban and Prospero and between Caliban (black slave) and Ariel (mulatto slave), inspired by the text-based English playwright in order to show the reader / spectator the approach to socio-cultural shock, the ethnocentrism, the narrative progress that values the dissatisfaction of the insurbordinate, the black slave and the religious allegories that build the theme that involves the meeting of two cultures through the discourse among characters who demonstrate by the dialogue, the yoke of the European settlement.