Revista Contra Corrente: Estudos Literários
URI permanente desta comunidade
A Revista eletrônica semestral Contra Corrente (ISSN 2525-4529) é um periódico vinculado à Editora Universitária da Universidade do Estado do Amazonas e ao Programa de Pós Graduação Interdisciplinar em Ciências Humanas (PPICH- UEA). Seu escopo detém-se na difusão e a propagação do conhecimento produzido no cenário local, nacional e internacional por pesquisadores de que se dedicam às áreas de Ciências humanas e afins, sejam eles doutores, mestres ou alunos de Pós-graduação
5 resultados
Resultados da Pesquisa
Item O cotidiano do subúrbio carioca na obra o galo de ouro de Rachel de Queiroz(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-01-22) Santos, Regma Maria dos; Mesquita, Mírian CostaIn this article we will cover the work O Galo de Ouro written by Rachel de Queiroz in the first half of the twentieth century focusing on the daily expressed in religious rituals like Candomblé, the design of the "malandro" carioca, represented by one of the novel's characters, and the “game the animal”, which was an important source of income for people humble suburban Rio. We start from the concept of everyday life to express the possibility of the use of literature as a source for the construction of historical knowledge.Item Judas da mata feito asverodo rio a condição humana e a herança simbólica da violência em “Judas asvero”, de Euclides da cunha.(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-01-18) Vieira, Josué Gome; Barbosa, Walmir de AlbuquerqueABSTRACT: Written in 1905, published in 1909 a collection of essays "In the history of the Margin," "Judas Asvero" is the text whose contents reports with dramatic intensity the celebration of Holy Saturday in a rubber tappers village in Alto Purus. The climax of the narrative is the cooking rite, presentation, scrutiny of a rag doll "Judas." The narrative constructed by Euclides da Cunha recalls the strangeness of a playful task of symbolic and social preparation of the violence, the ritual of "Burning of Judas". For the narrator the making and the sacrifice of the doll made by rubber tappers symbolizes the evocation of a horror supposedly familiar, such as "Judas" was the existential similarity latex frontiersman, traitor and wandering. The stagnant and decaying landscape, where man Amazonian express their cultural, societal and existential condition makes the socio-cultural constructs expressions of Amazonian identity in a colonizer / colonized game, in which the metamorphosis of Judas Iscariot Judas Asveros expressed in the act of working out the puppet points to a human condition in the forest formed by a symbolic heritage of violence socially reinserts the tapper culture and community life. Keywords: Amazon. Human Condition. Identity. Literature. ViolenceItem Literatura e estudos interartes: saberes indisciplinados(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-01-18) Paiva, Vanessa Soares deThe Literature studies aggregate various fields of knowledge, and the Text, generally, as defined by Barthes (2004), is essentially interdisciplinary. Considering this, the present paperconnects literature, language and the interarts studies – which proposes ways to read and produce meanings, in the vast network of interrelations presented by the text (cf. CLUVER, 2001). A network that must be understood beyond the categorization of its elements, in a way that allows the perception of its transdisciplinary integration.It is also possible to question how the disciplinary knowledge, when “undisciplined”, can contribute to the creation of new meanings in our studies as researchers. To do so, some excerpts of literature produced by João Gilberto Noll are put in question, specially the short novel “O cego e a dançarina”, from the work of the same name from 1980, that narrates an experience related to the field of sensations.Item Vidas secas: um olhar sociológico para além das evidências(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-01-18) Mendes, Izabel Alves MacedoHumanity history has been affected by the imposition of one class on another. Arbitrariness and individuals' exposition to vexatious and embarrassing situations are remote things. They have come from oldest times and have perpetuated by generation to generation. The subtle and imperceptible way which such practices are reproduced in social structures makes that arbitrary attitudes be accepted and spread naturally. The symbolic power which reigns in the capitalist society contributes to the fragmentation of social classes, crystallizing a dominant force which prevails over the dominated. Thus, this article aims to analyze, through a literary research, some of Pierre Bourdieu's main concepts which are related to semantic area. It has as objective to explore, in a contextualized way, some of main topics elaborated by this sociologist.Item Uma voz dissonante: desmundo e o lugar social da mulher no Brasil colonial(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-01-18) Rios, Dinameire Oliveira Carneiro; Cruz, Décio TorresThe objective of thisstudy is to analyzewomen'ssocialplace incolonialBrazilthrough the novelDesmundo, the writerAnaMiranda.From the perspectiveproposed bylines of thoughtastheNew Historyand Cultural Studies, analyzesin this articlethesocialrepresentation of womenin the context ofcolonialBrazilfrom anovelisticnarrative thatbrings into playthewomen as individualsoverwhelmed bythiscontextbutgifted witha voice thatenablesexpose yourlook/readaboutthat societyimposedforfemale behaviorinall spheres of society. Read from theperspective ofhistoriographicalmetafiction, which aims to revisit, through fiction, important historicalperiodsand read theminanother perspective, beyond theofficial version of events, the romance ofMirandaretrievesrelevant aspectsof the early yearsof Brazilafter thearrival of the Portuguese, rereading themthrough the filterof the lookof the character-narrator Oribela.