Revista Contra Corrente: Estudos Literários
URI permanente desta comunidade
A Revista eletrônica semestral Contra Corrente (ISSN 2525-4529) é um periódico vinculado à Editora Universitária da Universidade do Estado do Amazonas e ao Programa de Pós Graduação Interdisciplinar em Ciências Humanas (PPICH- UEA). Seu escopo detém-se na difusão e a propagação do conhecimento produzido no cenário local, nacional e internacional por pesquisadores de que se dedicam às áreas de Ciências humanas e afins, sejam eles doutores, mestres ou alunos de Pós-graduação
4 resultados
Resultados da Pesquisa
Item O novo ensino médio em publicidade do governo federal: análise discursivo-crítica e multimodal(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-01-21) Oliveira, Glaunara M.; Soares, Neiva M. M.Advertising genres are multimodal and circulate through various media in order to persuade the interlocutor through an intentional discourse that is, according to Fairclough (1992, p.91), a mode of action and of representation capable of changing the world and acting on others. The objective of this work is to analyze how discursive relations are constructed in the publicity genre, having as corpus the campaign on the New High School, broadcast on TV and internet in September 2016. To achieve this purpose, this article is based on studies from the (1988), the Critical Discourse Analysis (ADC) (FAIRCLOUGH, 1994), which allows for a more comprehensive linguistic analysis of discourse such as Social Semiotics (HODGE, R. and KRESS, (2003) and the Visual Design Grammar (KRESS and Van Leeuwen, 1996, 2006) and their analytical categories on Representational Metafunctions, where the ability of an image to represent experience is observed; Compositional, the organization of the image-forming elements in the space that occupies the whole of the screen; and Interactive, relationships built between the represented participants and the viewer through visual resources. It is also adopted the multimodal transcription, inserted in the proposal of Baldry and Thibault (2006) regarding the construction of the text in movement in phases and spaces. As for the ADC, in the textual-discursive bias, implicit modality is analyzed in the markers of validity and attitude markers, using the scale proposed by Halliday (1994) in the Systemic-Functional Grammar. The results of this analysis reveal that government advertising carries the political and ideological discourse observed in its multiple verbal and non-verbal semiotic codes used with the intention of persuading the viewer and representing positions of power, thus showing the importance of studies related to Grammar Visual Design and Critical Discourse Analysis to understand how discourses are revealed in advertising genres and other genres that also use the same semiotic resources. Keywords: Education; Semiotics; Publicity.Item A representação do negro no regime escravocrata brasileiro em texto multimodal(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-01-21) Barros, Adelson Florêncio de; Silveira, Regina Célia Pagliuchi daThis work is situated in the Critical Discourse Analysis with the theme argumentative strategies used in the representation of the black in the Brazilian slave regime in multimodal text, aiming to: examine, in the multimodal composition, forms of dissemination of the ideology, established by the power, through a cover of History in Focus magazine. Research is justified because in postmodernity there is a privilege of multimodal texts, which require critical studies focused on discursive interactions. This paper presents partial results of a broader research on the social roles, in language, of slaves and their masters from Casa-Grande & Senzala. The theoretical guiding principles of the research are: 1. Critical Discourse Analysis with sociocognitive (van DIJK: 1997); Social (FAIRCLOUGH, 2001 & THOMPSON, 2011) and 2. Critical Discourse Analysis with a socio-semiotic perspective (Kess and van Leeuwen, 2001). The material analyzed was collected from one of the covers of this magazine, having as its base text a canvas by the artist Jean-Baptiste Debret, entitled "O dinner". The results obtained so far indicate that: 1. Blacks are represented as "things" and in this condition are inserted in the route of injustice and treated from social inequality; 2. The images and colors complement the verbal in the multimodal composition of the black representation and its social role; 3. The representation of the Negro in Debret's image, entitled Dinner, is a relation of exploration and subservience becoming evident, through the composition of verbal and visual, his social role in that period shows social inequality. Keywords: Semiotics; Slavery; SocietyItem Reflexões sobre o método etnográfico-discursivo e a mídia institucional pública(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-01-18) Galvão, Rosane Queiroz; Ferraz, Janaina de AquinoThe title of this text anticipates its nature and main objective: it tries to present reflections on the challenges arising from the construction of the methodological iter (path) based on the ethnographic-discursive method proposed by Maria Izabel Magalhães (MAGALHÃES, 2000, 2008; MAGALHÃES, MARTINS , RESENDE, 2017), for the linguistic-semiotic analysis of public communication discourses materialized in texts of the state media, especially the Chamber of Deputies of Brazil. Therefore, we do not present a critical discursive analysis or even an exhaustive critical semiotic of the research object - the opening video of the TV program narrated above - to understand the sociolinguistic phenomenon that seems to be the approximation of the language and the format of the state media to the of commercial media. This objective will not be pursued less tangentially. What we intend in these lines is only to show the complexity of constructing a coherent and valid methodological framework for this ethnographic-discursive research, which may in some way contribute to future methodological contributions in ADC. Keywords: Ethnography; Semiotics; Linguistics.Item Representações linguístico-discursivas em texto midiático no contexto político do Brasil(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-01-18) Batista, Eni Abadia; Vassolér, Juliana FerreiraThis article presents the analysis of visual representations as a central element of intertextuality in the publications of media magazines and discusses how discourses, even if permeated by metaphors, contribute to the construction of social representations and identities. The methodology is qualitative in descriptive and interpretive style and the analysis focuses on a corpus consisting of texts selected from publications published by the newspaper "ACapa", whose peculiar characteristic is to present the news in title, written text and image in a first and only page. For the study, the assumptions of the Critical Discourse Analysis (ADC), (FAIRCLOUGH, 1996, 2003), the Social Actors Theory (van LEEUWEN, 1997) and the Social Semiotics (KRESS, 2010) the concepts of metaphor (LAKOFF AND JOHNSON, 2002). The results show that the analyzed texts carry ideological marks that disseminate relations of power and belief, both of the producers of the text and of the followers of the newspaper on the web and in social networks. According to the analysis, the text exposes conceptual representations through metaphors evidenced in the semiotic resources used by the author. In the first text, one finds the figure of the Brazilian map placed in the bottom of a frying pan, alluding negatively to the usual expression "we are fried" as the expected result after the impeachment of the president; in the second text, the attention is drawn to the country's economic situation, indicating that the continued dollar valuation has affected the lives of middle-class families. Both texts show attributes that indicate a society marked by the socio-political and economic context of the country and that the popular manifestations contributed in part to widen the divisions among the Brazilian population. Keywords: Visual representation; Semiotics; Communication.