Estudo higiênico sanitário do camarão macrobrachium amazonicum Heller, 1862 comercializado do município de Parintins - AM
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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas
Amazon shrimp is a product very present in Amazonian cuisine, being widely sold in open-air markets in the Municipality of Parintins-AM, where they are captured, handled and sold, supplying local businesses. However, the exposure of the product to the sales environment and its inadequate handling, combined with the artisanal salting process aimed at adding value and delaying the deterioration of the product, facilitate the development of possible pathogenic agents. Considering the importance of the hygienic-sanitary quality of food for public health, this study aimed to evaluate the bacteriological aspects of shrimp, through the count of Mesophilic Aerobic Heterotrophic Bacteria (CBHAM), presence of coagulase-positive Staphylococcus, Most Probable Number (MPN). ) of total coliforms (CT), Colony Forming Unit (CFU) of Molds and Yeasts (BL) and presence of Salmonella sp. Samples of brine (salted/dried) and fresh shrimp were collected from the city's open-air markets. The samples analyzed for brine shrimp were in accordance with ANVISA standards – RDC N° 724 – IN N° 161 for consumption purposes. As for fresh shrimp, the samples demonstrated a high change in the most probable numbers of coliforms, ranging from ˃2,400.0 x 50 MPN/g* for the cephalothorax and 150.0 x 50 MPN/g* for the abdomen. In the coagulase-positive Staphylococcus investigation, characteristic colonies were found, varying between 3 x 10ᶟ CFU/g in the cephalothorax region and 2 x 10² CFU/g in the abdomen region. All samples checked for Salmonella were negative or absent, with no occurrence of contamination. Based on the results obtained in the present work, the detection of indicators of fecal contamination in fresh shrimp samples derives from failures in the hygienic-sanitary conditions of the food, since the existence of this microorganism is more related to the handling of the food than to its presence in the creation environment.
BRANDÃO, Poliana Zancani. Estudo higiênico sanitário do camarão macrobrachium amazonicum Heller, 1862 comercializado do município de Parintins - AM. 2024. 40f. TCC (Graduação em Licenciatura em Ciências Biológicas) - Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, Parintins. 2024
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