A importância da prática em botânica além da sala de aula no ensino fundamental

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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas


Practical classes have primary relevance in learning and cannot be detached from theory, including the subject of Botany, which has a scientific language necessary in the teaching-learning process. However, few educators make practical classes a didactic tool, although it aims to arouse and maintain students' interest in learning. This paper aimed to analyze the methodology used by teachers and identify their difficulties in developing practical classes in the subject of Botany in Elementary School. The work was developed with students from two classes of 7th grade of elementary school together with the responsible teacher, at the Hermenegildo de Campos State School, located in Manicoré-Am. In these classes, Kingdom Plantae worked with theoretical classes, in an active methodology, combining expository, demonstrative and dialogued classes with practical classes in the different educational environments of the school and its surroundings. For the development of the classes, a basic instrumentation was used, fast and free, such as: Notebook, Whiteboard, Data Show, Slides, Textbook and Plants demonstrating their particular group in each Kingdom Plante class. At the end of the activities a questionnaire was applied to evaluate the acquired knowledge, showing the effectiveness of the practical classes. According to LIMA (2011), the research results indicate that students consider practical classes as facilitators of learning, being present this idea even in those who have never had contact with this type of class. It was observed that the students obtained a more meaningful and fast learning in the practical classes in relation to the theoretical classes. The research results also showed the main reasons why the teachers do not develop practical classes. Therefore, it is necessary to emphasize the need to offer courses in initial and continuing education focused on the use of active methodologies in Biology Teaching for teachers. Keywords: Botany Teaching, Practice, Learning



VEIGA, Robert Kennedy da Silva. A importância da prática em botânica além da sala de aula no ensino fundamental. 2019. 50 f. TCC (Graduação em Ciências Biológicas) - Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, Manicoré.



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